aiihh.. long time no see,blog.. hahaha
i hv been home for quite some time..almost a week to b precise.. been doin the normal routine.. sleep-eat-lazying-eat-sleep again..normal normal stuff which i beliv everybody sure agree when we-LUCT-students hv holiday!!
i had misop ayam today as dinner.. my maid's the bestt..she can cook watever u wish for.. YUM YUMYUMMYY~~~

its weekend, n i went n see my friend n my ex-classmate, iveny. she got married last year, n had a son mid last year. i met her n another friend, n her son is almost 1-year-old alreadyyyy... OMG!! i had just flash back in my mind when i heard the news last year..i was shocked to the max! n her son-owen is damnnn cuteee...i hv to agree really.. n i met her husband-aldo which was my ex-classmate as well.he's a father!!im stil digesting wat i saw earlier, he as father..sooo way beyong imagination.. hahhaha. not to say im underestimating him,but okayyy..everyone who knows him sure agrees wit me.. but i hv to admit..he really is a father n truly love his son!! i wish i took some pic n show u guys. hehehe
anw, wat im trying to say here. wat i had seen, my fren,my other fren her husband. all the situation, im so not goin near there anytime soon. eventhough i wil one day (which is stil goin to b far ahead, i hv commited myself to b assure tat it is really far far ahead fr now),i wont wanna b like them.i hv stated my commitment level previous2 blog ago. n im stil sticking to it.
but wat had happened today is just emphasize on my thoughts more! i wanna travel, i wanna reach my goal, i wanna b successful inside out b4 i wanto commit. u wont wanna b a young mother stuck in this country taking care of ur baby alone w/out babysitter n staying wit ur mother-in-law. no offence, but i just dun agree wit it. tats all..
n............... THE ELECTRICITY JUST WENT OFF!!! SH*TT!!!! wat i hate most about home is thiss..exactlyy thiss!! electricity!!!
so, im hanging on to my battery..sadly i hv to off soon..
my blog today is a bit random..hahaha.just feel like blogging but nth much to blog, so ok la.. write wat i hv today.. hohoho.
anw, im looking forward to go to BALII SOONNN... OMG OMG OMG..
wish i'd hv a blast..everything goes well.. *fingers cross*
n..missing ma dudettes..
1 comment:
wew...i can feel the taste just from the picture...good angle, good taste...and i'm hungry hahahaha....
nice to visit here...
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